Andrew Leech التطبيقات

Navdy (alelec) 3.8-0-gcf211f2
Andrew Leech
Port of the original Navdy app
alelec Fossil Hybrid Smartwatches 4503-87e92b2
Andrew Leech
This app is for use with Fossil Hybrid Smartwatches. It's afullycompatible replacement for the official app but adds a fewpatches,fixes and features not included in the official app. NewFeatures:* Watchface complication border/background customisation.*Watchface crop editor starts at full frame * Remove 20 watchfacelimit * Auto-sync watch whenever you wake up your phone *Auto-syncstarts at phone boot without needing to open app. *Android "Do NotDisturb" is honored. * Priority notifications arestill send ifandroid "Do Not Disturb" is turned on. * Supportsetting alarmsfrom Google Assistant. * Support for notificationswith notext/message content. * Uses correct app notification iconsfor allapps on phone. * Convenient access to unique key forGadgetBridgeFor further informationsee fossil account must be used to log into the app, the googleandfacebook logins the official app also allows do not work onthisunofficial app. I am not affiliated with Fossil, and the"alelecFossil Hybrid Smartwatches" app is not supported by them.Get intouch on the reddit link above for any additional support.